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Confessions of a Chiropractic Assistant

There are many who misinterpret where chiropractic care fits in today’s health care arena.   Matter of fact, there are countless who don’t understand the purpose or benefits that chiropractic care provides.  I’ll be honest before becoming a Chiropractic assistant I didn’t understand it either. I completely understand why it’s difficult to grasp what chiropractic is and achieves when you’ve heard so many different assumptions about this form of care.  Let me debunk all the myths you have heard about chiropractic. These are my confessions of a chiropractic assistant.

It will help if you know the basics. Chiropractors work with vertebra (bones in your back) which protects and moves with your spinal cord. Nerve supply produced by your brain can traveled through the spinal cord to nerves throughout the body. When vertebras are out of natural alignment it causes nerves to become twisted or stretched. You recognize this discomfort as a “pinch” when nerve supply is disturbed which is refereed as subluxation. Instead of treating the symptoms you are now experiencing as a result of the subluxation, doctors of chiropractic will treat the source of your discomfort by adjusting the affected area of the spine.

I know that in the past doctors of chiropractic have been referred to as “quakes”.  Little do most people know, chiropractors have attended seven or more years of college, trained in over 1,556 of Medical hours, and 1,900 chiropractic hours? Know that you’re in good hands with a well educated doctor.

Chiropractic is not just for elderly people. Yes it will help older aged people but why wait to seek treatment? Optimum health is more obtainable if initiated in childhood. Chiropractic is an incredible way to give your child the best chance for maximum growth and development. Personally, I did not receive adjustment as a children but it is never too late. I’m an active college student who spends countless hours hunched in chair or over a desk which isn’t the ideal position for comfort. Being able to get an adjustment to correct those kinks and pinches saved me from days of aches and pains.

Chiropractic care is not just for those who have been injured in a car accident. Again, yes this form of care is a marvelous way to get pain relief caused by whiplash or other extreme pain that have had onset since the accident. Car accidents can have extensive and possibly large-scale, long term effects on your body. Chiropractic care avoids the use of prescription drugs which masked the pain caused by the accident leaving the source of the discomfort unaddressed and uncorrected.

There are so many more benefits to chiropractic care then most know. To gain all the profits that Chiropractic care can offer you, you have to look at this more than just care but as a lifestyle. The Chiropractic community promotes healthy eating habits, continuous physical activity and a higher quality of life. I know I sound crazy, I didn’t believe all this things either before I was constantly surrounded by it in my daily schedule. Trust me I’m not expecting you to abandon everything you’ve known about traditional allopathic medicine for care.

It’s not easy to adopt a holistic view set, be patient. I’ll speak freely and say that I don’t agree or understand with all forms of it. You don’t have to welcome every aspect right away. Start out slowly by taking baby steps into this transition; get an adjustment instead of taking an Advil when you get a headache. Simple small changes like avoiding over the counter medications to mask the problem instead of treating the source will make a difference in the long haul. Chiropractic is a foot in the right direction to a natural way of healing that will better your health in the future.

Jacque Quesada, Chiropractic Assistant

For more information on Chiropractic care or to ask Jacque who wrote the article confessions of a chiropractic assistant contact us.

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107

Tempe AZ  85283
