``It's Easier to Stay Well than to Get Well``
If you’re like half of all adults, you may not be sleeping well and not getting the right amount of sleep. Today’s fast paced society can make sleep seem like a luxury, not a need, but this is simply not true: you nee quality sleep for good health. Sleep deprivation affects your health and well being, physically, mentally, and socially.
Sleep benefits:
Immune system: Sleep is essential to the immune system. Without adequate sleep, the immune system becomes weak, and the entire body becomes vulnerable to infection and disease.
Nervous system: Sleep is a time of rest and repair to neurons. Neurons are the freeways of the nervous system that carry out both voluntary commands, like moving your arm, and involuntary commands, like breathing and digestive processes.
Hormone release: Many hormones, substances produced to trigger or regulate particular body functions, are timed to release during sleep or right before sleep. Growth hormones, for example, are released during sleep, vital to growing children but also for restorative processes like muscle repair and healing.
Signs you may be suffering from sleep deprivation include:
Difficulty waking up in the AM
Increased clumsiness
Poor performance in school, on the job, or in sports
Difficulty making decisions
Falling asleep during work or class
Getting sick frequently
Feeling especially moody or irritated
Weight gain
Chronic sleep deprivation is also thought to cause long term changes to the body, which contribute to increased risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and shortened life span.
Sleep is the chief restorer of life’s feast. ~ Shakespeare
Fatigue has a larger share in the promotion and transmission of
disease than any other single condition you can name. ~James Pagent, MD
Call us today at 480.785.1355 or email us to schedule your appointment today!
Reed Chiropractic
Path to Wellness
Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!