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shin splints and plantar fascitis

Causes and Treatments for Shin Splints and Plantar Fascitis.

Plantar Fascitis:

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common injuries that occur in the foot; it affects nearly two million people yearly in the U.S. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament that connects the heel bone and the toes.  The Plantar fascia stretches and contracts with every step or movement, and may become inflamed when tiny tears occur in the tissue.

There are many potential causes of plantar fasciitis; overuse during exercise or physical activity is one of the most common. Athletes who run, jump, or perform other repetitive movements that put pressure on their feet are far more prone to this condition. Another possible cause of Plantar fasciitis is when the navicular bone in the foot drops. The navicular is a bone in the midfoot that can drop down and put increased pressure on the plantar fascia and also affect the arches of the foot. Plantar fasciitis may also be caused or aggravated by arthritis and diabetes, especially in the elderly.

There are many strategies to help with the correction of Plantar Fasciitis. One treatment protocol is to get the foot adjusted with chiropractic. When getting the foot adjusted, it puts normal movement in the foot and helps relieve pressure on the plantar fascia. In the case of the navicular drop, the Chiropractor needs to adjust the navicular bone and help relieve the tension in the midfoot that is being transferred to the plantar fascia with every step.

Another treatment is to massage to the foot; this allows circulation to improve and decreases the inflammation that has built up over time. Ice is another great treatment to help with the inflammation in the plantar fascia. Ice will allow restriction to the excessive blood that is going into the area and after period of time help to reduce the inflammation.

Shin Splints:

Another condition people deal with frequently is shin splints. The tremendous impact running places on the joints, muscles, and bones requires your body to be in proper alignment. If you notice you are developing a dull ache on the inside lower portion of your shin, you are starting to feel the early signs of shin splints. These symptoms may get worse the more you run, walk or stand.  Many runners consider shin splints to be one of the most painful and persistent conditions they can develop.

Although the pain associated with it is due to chronic contraction of the muscle at the front of the leg (tibialis anterior), the cause of shin splints is usually related to improper biomechanics of the foot and knee, these include the Tibia (shin bone) being rotated internally or externally which puts added stress on the foot, knee, and ankle.

One treatment option for shin splints is receiving chiropractic care to correct the underlying cause of poor biomechanics of the leg, knee and ankle. Chiropractic can adjust the Tibia back into the proper position and any other bones in the leg, knee, or ankle that have mis-aligned.

Stretching is another recommended option for helping to treat shin splints, stretching should also be done before a run to help prevent shin splints from becoming worse or starting. Ice is also very helpful with the management of inflammation in the joint. It is recommended after being on your feet for a long period of time or after a walk or run.

For more information on the causes and treatments for shin splints and plantar fascitis schedule a free consultation from one of our experienced chiropractors.