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Tips to Improve Sleep

3 tips to Improve Sleep Every Night
Regulating a natural rhythm of exposure to sunlight during the day and darkness at night is one of the most crucial components of sleeping well. Light exposure during the day is important because it serves as the major synchronizer of your master body clock. This body clock regulates when you feel awake and when you start to feel tired, this is done by light that enters through your eyes.

When you have lights on late at night this affects the body’s clock and throws off your natural sleep schedule.
If your sleep schedule is already altered the best way to reset it is to go outside for at least an hour to get natural sunlight and to teach your body’s clock this is the time to be awake. The opposite also applies; once the sun has set you want to avoid sunlight. This allows your body to secrete melatonin, which will help you feel tired.

You also need to avoid electronics such as computer, TVs, and phones; these emit blue lights that brain mistakes for sunlight, avoid all electronics an hour before bedtime.

Other tips to help improve your sleep-
1) Sleep in complete darkness
Any light emitting object will disrupt your sleep cycle, so avoid using night lights, get shades and blinds to cover up the light coming through the windows, and throw a sheet over your alarm clock so the light does not shine through.

2) Keep temperature in your bedroom less than 70 degrees F
Your body actually has a sleep initiation and sleep maintenance process that takes place with a reduction of core temperature. The ideal temperature for this process is between 60-68 degrees F.

3) Take a hot bath or shower 30 minutes before bedtime
This will also help with your body’s core temperature to drop. When you sit in a hot back or stand in a hot shower for 30 minutes your blood vessels open up in your extremities. When you get out if the room temperature is cool, your body’s core temperature will drop making you feel drowsy and ready for sleep.

Want more tips to improve sleep? Contact us today at 480-785-1355.