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Chiropractic treatment of whiplash injuries

Chiropractic treatment of Whiplash injuries is one of our biggest patient demographics in our Tempe chiropractic office. Whiplash is a term applied to injuries of the neck when it has suddenly and/or violently been forced backwards “hyperextension” and then forwards “hyperflexion”. Whiplash is most commonly seen in people that have been involved in a motor vehicle collision, but whiplash can also occur in people who have suffered taken falls, sports injuries, work injuries, and other incidents.

There are multiple structures that are involved in whiplash injuries. The most common being a sprain of the ligaments. Ligaments help protect, support, and restrict excessive motion of the vertebrae; in a whiplash these ligaments can be torn which is known as a sprain.

Another injury that occurs is in the muscles and tendons, when these are stretched beyond their normal limits they becomes strained. These will be tender to the touch and can feel as if they are constantly in spasm.

In your spine you have discs that are located between the vertebrae and help with the spines daily motion. In a whiplash these discs can be torn and potentially herniated. A herniated disc is when the disc pushes itself backwards and puts pressure on the nerves that exit the spinal column and control all parts of your body (heart, kidneys, thyroid, biceps, traps, etc.). Vertebrae are also commonly subluxated in a whiplash. A subluxation is when a vertebrae moves out of position and can cause inflammation and increased pressure on a nerve.

How can Chiropractors treat whiplash?

Chiropractors are specifically trained in treating subluxations. When the vertebrae is misaligned it needs to be put back into place so it and the nerve it is putting pressure on can function properly. Chiropractors’ are able to do this with specific adjustments with their hands. They are able to place the vertebrae where it should over a period of adjustments so that the ligaments can heal and hold the vertebrae where it should be.  This helps decrease pain, improve range of motion, and aid in the healing process of whiplash.

For more information on chiropractic treatment of whiplash injuries, or if you/someone you know has/is suffering from whiplash come to one of our locations and get your spine checked. Contact us Today.

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107 Tempe AZ  85283

6025 E. McKellips Rd. #102 Mesa AZ 85215

(P) 480.785.1355