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chiropractic can help back pain

Chiropractic can help with back pain without any drugs or surgery. Those who suffer from lower back pain know what a debilitating condition it can be. The discomfort is often enough to hinder performance of everyday activities would otherwise be taken for granted – bending, walking, and even sitting.

When you have lower back pain, everything little detail – right down to the type of pillow you use and the mattress you sleep on — is scrutinized in order to reduce discomfort. The first and most important tip to dealing with this condition is to regularly visit your Tempe chiropractor. In addition to that, there are some things that you can do for yourself at home to reduce pain and increase mobility.

To help you figure out how to make lower back pain more manageable, here are some general tips to keep in mind.

Use Ice and Heat

Applying a cold compress is ideal for reducing inflammation and swelling in order to relieve pain. However, because of the initial discomfort of placing something extremely cold in contact with skin, some people skip ice and go directly to a heating pad instead.

Heat isn’t always good for ailing backs. It causes blood to flow to the location, which can worsen inflammation and swelling. Switching back and forth between ice and heat is a tactic that can work for many back pain sufferers. Don’t skip the ice!

Be Selectively Active

A lot of back pain sufferers question whether being active or resting is best for their situation. Both can be bad, depending on the specifics of your condition. If you are overly active or do things that cause pain, you can further injure your back. However, if you were to lead a completely sedentary lifestyle, it could lead to the weakening of muscles, which can place even more strain on your injured back.

In general, it’s best to stay moderately active but to stop whatever it is that you’re doing if you feel sharp pains when bending over or performing other movements. Come to Reed Chiropractic for an evaluation and we can give you specific advice on which activities might be good or bad for you based on your unique condition.

More Tips

Here are some more resources from around the web that can help you deal with certain aspects of back pain:
– A Denver chiropractor recently blogged about improving back and neck health through better sleep.
– A Portland chiropractor shared advice on dealing with back pain that gets worse in the colder months of the year.
Walking can be very beneficial to back health, according to a chiropractor in Fort Worth.
– Sciatica pain starts in the spine and branches out to the legs. A Centennial CO chiropractic provider shared tips for diagnosing and treating sciatica.

Visit the Premier Tempe Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief!

Scheduling regular appointments with a chiropractor is the first step to beating lower back pain. At Reed Chiropractic, you can consult with the premier Tempe and Mesa chiropractor who can ease your pain and offer a plan that yields long-term results.

To schedule an appointment, contact Reed Chiropractic today!

We have been voted the best Chiropractor in Tempe for the last 15 years.

Chiropractic can help with back pain, you just need to make the first move and contact our office for hep.