"It's Easier To Stay Well Than To Get Well"
Wed: 9-1, 3-7 and Thurs: 9-1

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Coronavirus Covid-19

Our Message on the Coronovirus

Today I would like to address our message on the Coronavirus pandemic.  I am not an epidemiologist, nor a biochemist, so I won’t discuss statistics or predictions that may or may not be true.  Today, I am coming to you from the perspective of a Chiropractor.  Over 20 years ago, I started practicing as a chiropractor and I have been doing my best to provide a service that is based on a few fundamental health principles, truths that are not only true in the moment, but truths that stand the test of time.

  • Principal #1 – True health comes from the inside out, not the outside in.  Health or sickness comes from within us.  If you are sick on the inside, you are susceptible to things from the outside world, but if you are healthy on the inside, then outside invaders should not be a threat to you.  This of course does not mean that you will never get ill or have symptoms of not feeling well, it just means that you will have the best chance of not being harmed by outside invaders.
  • Principal #2 – Our bodies are amazing and can fight most anything that it comes in contact with as long as it is working at it best.  Every day we are bombarded with countless bacteria and viruses that our bodies will identify and fight through our immune system.  We don’t have to tell our bodies to do this, they just do it. This is called our innate intelligence.  This innate intelligence is always on the job but it is up to us as to how strong it functions. 
  • Principal #3 – Your brain and nervous system are in control of your immune system.  If your nervous system is not working optimally then you may be more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.
  • Principal # 4 – Studies have shown the positive effects that chiropractic care may have on the immune system through the balancing of the autonomic nervous system.  In fact, according to a article published in the J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1991 Sep;14(7):399-408. patients exhibited an Enhanced Phagocytic Cell Respiratory Burst Induced by Spinal Manipulation. Click Here for the full abstract . Dr. Ben Lerner, DC has also cited 10 other studies that have found similar findings that chiropractic care may assist and strengthen the immune system.
  • Principal # 5 – Thoughts, actions, and behaviors also have an effect on the immune system.  It has been well documented and proven that negative thoughts, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and too little sleep all have negative effects on the immune system.  Positive behaviors can have a positive effect on the immune system.

It is these principals that inspired me to become a Chiropractor.  Twenty years ago I came up with a Wellness Challenge for my patients to participate in with the goal of teaching them how to optimize their health.  We all face health challenges in our lives, so the healthier we are going into them is going to shape how our bodies can and will respond.  I developed the Wellness Challenge with the understanding that everyone starts from a different place but if you start today, you will be healthier tomorrow.  The five components of this Wellness Challenge are:  1) Chiropractic care 2) Nutrition 3) Movement 4) Rest 5) Positive Mental Attitude. 

In the medical world you know if a principal is true if it is still true years later and I am happy to say that these five components of health hold true today.  In fact, the more research that has been done in true health has without a doubt not only confirmed them to be true but emphasized their importance.

So in response to the Coronavirus pandemic that we are facing, we need to take a deep breath, focus on what we can control, and focus less on what we can’t control.  We all have the ability to practice the five components of health and trust our bodies.  You are healthy, you already have an amazing virus fighter within you.  You have the innate ability right inside of you to help you fight bacteria and viruses.  We all have a powerful immune system that was specifically designed by a higher power.  However, it is up to us to honor and feed our immune system with immune promoting actions rather than destructive actions.  If we come at this situation with an attitude of “I can fight this, I am strong, I am ready,” you will change your physiology for the better.  You have the power and a positive outlook will positively stimulate your immune system.

We are all going to get through this and we will be stronger as a result.  We will build immunity to the Coronavirus.  Don’t ever forget how amazing your body is.

Our office will remain open through these uncertain times.  We will continue providing chiropractic care to all of our patients and local community.  In addition to our already regimented cleaning process, we have also implemented new disinfecting processes of the office and equipment throughout each shift.  Our doctors will also use hand sanitizer or wash their hands between each patient. 

We also would like to ask that any patient that is expressing any symptoms that have been outlined on the CDC website call their primary care doctors and speak to us directly before coming in for an appointment.  Also, if you want more information on how to start moving towards better health you can review our “five components of heath and our Wellness Challenge.”


Dr. Reed