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Chiropractic Turns on your Power

Chiropractic Turns on Your Power

Have you ever heard someone say “Chiropractic Turns On Your Power”

Power is what runs our communities and keeps us functioning. Similarly, our bodies are electrical systems with a power source called your innate. Innate works in and through the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system to communicate with the rest of the body. Every cell, tissue and organ requires power from the source to restore and maintain optimal health.

A saying by many Chiropractors is”Let’s Turn On Your Power!”. This saying relates to receiving a chiropractic adjustment. When you have vertebral subluxations, which involve misalignments of the spinal vertebra resulting in decreased motion, inflammation and nerve irritation, your “Power” is turned off. Dr. Jaime Engel, DC wrote a similar blog about her understanding of how chiropractic keeps your power on.

Power Outage

Vertebral Subluxations create a decreased and often limited communication between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. What would happen if the nerves to your heart were cut? Your heart would stop functioning and death is inevitable. What would happen if the nerve was compressed or irritated and functioning dropped only by 10%? Now the heart would be working at 90%. Not only does the cardiovascular system have to work harder by this decrease in power causes stress to other systems of the body. You may not experience symptoms, but over time this stress leads to dis-ease and possible death as well.

If subluxations are present in the spine, then the power to communicate a healthy, balanced message to all the organs of the body is diminished. Over time this can limit the ability to maintain a healthy state of homeostasis (all parts functioning in balance). Therefore, if a subluxation is reduced/removed and the communication between the brain and the rest of the body has the ability to be restored, only then will the “Power be turned on” and for the full potential of for the body maintain itself in a healthy state.

Let’s compare this to the power running into your home. That power functions to run the air conditioning, refrigerator, water heater, television and so forth. Let’s say you are doing some evening reading and the lights go out. What might be your next thought? Must be a bad outlet or switch? Maybe the wiring needs replaced? All the bulbs need replaced at once? How about the circuit breaker? So a check to the breaker and a reset of the proper switch restores power and light.

Power was “turned off” due to stress on the system. The “switched” breaker is analogous to the subluxation blocking the nerve impulses to that area of the body. When the spinal vertebral segments become overstressed it has negative affects to the central nervous system and spinal nerves. Where ever those nerves go also becomes stressed (like the heart example above).

This example of a home circuit breaker is simply “mechanistic” in nature, however the human body is “vitalistic” in nature. The vitalistic nature of our body is in constant ebb and flow to maintain the homeostasis of health. The Power to maintain life itself lies in the nature of Innate. If your Innate power is disrupted or interrupted, we refer this a the “Power is turned off”. Chiropractors evaluate the function of the spine and nervous system to detect and correct spinal subluxations to restore this Innate power. Removing subluxations of the spine is how metaphorically Chiropractic can turn on your Power. Schedule your chiropractic wellness check and let us “Turn On Your Power!” and allow for maximum light to your life.

Get Checked Today!

Call and schedule your wellness check today. Don’t wait until you have a complete power outage, act now! Schedule online today at ReedChiropractic.com.

Reed Chiropractic in Tempe Arizona, 250 W. Baseline Rd. #107, Tempe AZ 85283.