Chiropractic for the Whole Family
``As the Twig is Bent, So Grows the Tree``
Our wellness patients often come in as a family unit to get evaluated and adjusted for Chiropractic family care. It just makes sense, once the parents realize that they live their lives through their nervous system they understand the benefit. They quickly understand that their health depends primarily on the function of the nervous system they want their kids to get the same benefit.
Many of our patients have never seen a chiropractor before the age of 40 or 50 years old. When they come in they are shocked to find out that they have had areas of mechanical stress in their spine that has resulted in degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, and even the formation of bone spurs. Once they learn that through regular chiropractic visits, usually 2 times per month, the can prevent arthritis. They start to see the picture that degenerative changes are preventable through chiropractic family care.
Why not give your kids the opportunity to keep a healthy spine throughout their life. It actually is one of the best and most important gifts a parent can give to a child. At Reed Chiropractic we believe that chiropractic care should be a family affair. Just remember, “As the Twig is Bent, so Grows the Tree”.
We know that raising a family is expensive and that is why here at Reed Chiropractic, we have family discounts to make it affordable for the whole family to get the care they need.
Call us today at 480.785.1355 or email us to schedule your appointment!
Reed Chiropractic
Path to Wellness
Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!