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Gonstead Chiropractic Technique

The Gonstead Chiropractic Technique

Dr. Clarence Gonstead was on of the most successful chiropractors in the history of chiropractic. This is measured not based on riches but on RESULTS.

The Gonstead chiropractic technique is the primary technique that our doctors use to evaluate and treat our patients here at Reed Chiropractic.  The Gonstead system was established in 1923 by a man named Dr. Clarence Gonstead.  Dr. Gonstead was referred to by his peers as the “Chiropractor’s Chiropractor”, as a result he received this title due to the fact that when other chiropractors were not getting better from their chiropractor they would seek out Dr. Gonstead because he got results that no other chiropractors were getting.

Gonstead Chiropractic TechniqueDr. Gonstead was trained as a mechanical engineer before going to chiropractic school.  He developed his technique through an engineer’s perspective so he devloped the technique to have a specific protocol of analysis.  Once the proper joint dysfunction could be identified Dr. Gonstead then created a specific technique of adjusting to restore normal motion and health.  Hall marks of Dr. Gonsteads’ analysis consisted of the use of a heat instrument (thermoscope), visualization, motion palpation, x-ray analysis, and knowledge of the normal biomechanics of a spinal motion.

One of the primary difference between a Gonstead adjustment and a traditional diversified adjustment is the specificity.  Gonstead doctors is trained to evaluate the specific spinal segments misalignment and lack of motion, once this is identified the trained Gonstead doctor will then adjust that specific segment through the restriction restoring it to normal motion.  Specificity the Gonstead adjustment makes it much safer and more effective.

To this day Dr. Gonstead had one of the largest chiropractic practices in the world.  His results were so profound that his practice in little Mt. Horeb Wisconsin had a hotel and airport next to it for patients to fly in from around the world to be treated.  Dr. Gonstead’s legacy continues as his original clinic still stands in Mt. Horeb Wisconson.  Current doctors can be trained at the clinic by doctors that were trained by Dr. Gonstead himself.

Our doctors at Reed chiropractic have been trained in the Gonstead chiropractic technique and utilize his work to give our patients the best chiropractic care possible.

Call us today at 480.785.1355 or email us to schedule your appointment!

6 Weeks
to Wellness Challenge

Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!

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