"It's Easier To Stay Well Than To Get Well"
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Nutritional Advice

Nutrition 101

Our doctors at Reed Chiropractic have extensive knowledge in the field of nutrition. We are here to help with any nutritional advice you need!

We all have herd, “you are what you eat”, and at Reed Chiropractic we feel that this is a true statement that has stood the test of time.  Research is done year after year in the medical field on nutrition and we find out time and time again that our health is only going to be as good as what we put into our bodies.  In fact, people will pay extra to put premium gas into their sports car because they understand that their car will perform better and last longer.  However, theses same people may choose to put fast food devoid of any living food and full of artificial ingredients into their body, but then wonder why they are tired and in pain.

At Reed Chiropractic we want to give you nutritional advice that will help guide you through this most important topic, what to eat.  There is so much information out there in regards to health and nutrition that most people just give up because they re told one thing one day and then 2 weeks later they find out that it was not good advice backed up by the latest research.

The nutritional advice we give in this office is common sense strategies based on know human physiology and common sense.  We want to show you that it is not hard to know what is good for you if you just understand a few known principles.  Principal one is that if it is living it is probably healthy for you, principal number 2 is that if it has been processed then it is probable not healthy for you.  Another way to look at this is was you food created by god or nature, or it is a food like substance that was made by man. If it is the later then it is not going to resonate with your living body the way nature intended for it to work.  So this would not create optimal health, it may work for a short time but over time your body would start to run sluggish craving “real” food.

At Reed Chiropractic we understand that you can’t always eat perfect so we advise our patients with the nutritional advice to strive for the 80/20 rule.  Eat real food that came from nature 80% of the time and limit anything that has been processed or made from a genetically modified food.  If you can achieve this you will not only feel better, you will live longer and live a life of less pain and inflammation.   For more information on nutrition you can go to our home care page and watch some of the recommended videos on nutrition.  We have also designed a 6 weeks to wellness challenge to help guide you through the process of making healthy changes in your life.

Call us today at 480.785.1355 or email us to schedule your appointment!

6 Weeks
to Wellness Challenge

Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!

5 components of health poster