Gonstead Technique
Our primary method of treatment at Reed Chiropractic is the Gonstead technique. We use this specific hands on approach to restoring normal motion in the spine. This technique consists of locating and correcting vertebral subluxations (misalignment within the spine) using highly specific low force adjustments.

Thompson Drop Technique
The Thompson Drop technique is a technique that we utilize on specific patients that have conditions that require a different approach to restroring normal motion back into the spine. This may include patients that have had prior surgery, are pregnant, certain per-existing medical conditions, and some geriatric patients that may have trouble with a traditional chiropractic adjustment.

Activator Technique
The Activator technique is one of our methods used on some of our younger patients. Our doctors are able to use this highly specific adjusting instrument on babies and geriatric patients to accomplish the same goal of restoring normal motion within the spine with a extremely gentle touch.

Insight Subluxation Station
We use the Insight Subluxation Station to evaluate the integrety of our patients nervous systems. The two primary tests we use are the surface EMG (sEMG) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) tests. This is our method or test we use to evaluate the intergrety/balance of the surface spinal muscles responsible for posture and the tone/balance of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems.

Intersegmential Traction Table
We utilize intersegmential traction as a means of stretching, hydrating, and restoring the normal motion back into the spine. These tables work like a wave that moves up and down the patients spine softening up the tissues with each pass. Our patients love being on these tables and loosens then up prior to getting adjusted.

Extremity Technique
Adjusting the extremities of the body is no different than the spine. The goal is the same, locate and mechanical restrictions within the extremity joints and use a specific force to restore the normal motion back to that joint. Both of our doctors have many years experience in adjusting everything from the finger to the toes and all the joints in between.
6 Weeks
to Wellness Challenge
Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!