"It's Easier To Stay Well Than To Get Well"
Wed: 9-1, 3-7 and Thurs: 9-1

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Pre-Natal Chiropractic

Should I see a chiropractor during pregnancy?

Chiropractic is a natural approach to life and health that honors the body’s innate potential to be well. During the care of pregnant patients,  Reed Chiropractic helps to empower the mother during her pregnancy to trust her body’s own ability to accomplish this incredible, innate process.

Visiting a chiropractor throughout pregnancy can help relieve, and in many cases prevent, some of the common discomforts associated with pregnancy. Chiropractic care works specifically with the pelvic bones, muscles, and ligaments to restore normal balance to the uterus and nervous system. This balance creates an environment for a less painful, easier, and safer delivery. With regular chiropractic care during pregnancy, mothers are able to reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications.

Both Dr. Reed and Dr. Hood are Webster Technique certified and have adjusted hundreds of pregnant patients over their 19 years of practice.  In addition to their chiropractic knowledge, both Dr. Reed and Dr. Hood have assisted their wives deliver natural and health babies though home births.   They are a wealth of knowledge in natural child birth and infant care.

In addition to the care you receive in our office during your pregnancy, our doctors will give you specific exercises and recommendations to follow up with at home.  One of the websites we recommend checking out during your pregnancy is SpinningBabies.com.  This site is a great resource for natural pregnancy related information.

Call us today at 480.785.1355 or email us to schedule your appointment!

6 Weeks
to Wellness Challenge

Reed Chiropractic is going to challenge you to include the Five Essentials of Wellness in your life! We want to help you make changes in your life that will help you feel better, Physically, Mentally and Socially. Are you ready for the challenge?!

5 components of health poster