Relieve pain with chiropractic care
Here at Reed Chiropractic we have 2 experienced doctors who know address a how to relieve pain with chiropractic care. We have been serving our patients who are in pain for over 18 years. If you would like to find
Natural Solutions for Chronic Pain
Are you in pain? We have natural solutions for chronic pain. We often consider pain as annoying. Simple tasks we perform everyday can all of sudden become challenges simply because it hurts to move. Even though we hate being
What is that tingling in my arm?
Ever asked what is that tingling in my arm? Ever noticed a it starting in your arm, hand, leg or foot that you either woke up with or flared up on its own? Wondering what caused it, will it
Cervical facet syndrome
Chiropractic helps greatly with this pain because they are able to adjust the facets and take pressure off the nerve and help relieve the pain.
Back Pain Causes and Cures
Back Pain Causes and Cures. 75% to 85% of all Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lifetimes. Common causes of back pain include: Poor PostureExcessive SittingInactivityInternal DiseaseObesityPsychological/ Emotional stressOsteoporosis Back pain is now one of the primary reasons many Americans
sitting results in lost years of life!
For example, a study published last year concluded that adults who spend an average of six hours a day in front of the TV will cut their life expectancy by nearly five years, when compared to those people who do