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Restore 4 Life Now Available

Restore 4 Life now available at Reed Chiropractic in Tempe.

Maintain and Restore the Wall of Your Gut.

All organs the body have specialized cells designed for specific functions which the organ performs, such as the heart, bladder, kidneys and so on. The organs protecting the internal function of these organs are no different. These include the layers of skin on the outside of our body and the surface layer of inner intestinal lining.

Did you realize your intestinal lining is exposed to an external environment? It is not until the unnecessary molecules, viruses, bacteria, etc cross the intestinal lining that the body is at greatest risk. This protective barrier of epithelial cells has its own mechanisms against “invaders”. But this article is going to take a look at what goes on between the cells.

Between each epithelial cell there are multiple junctions. Each junction acts as a protective barrier by being selective as to what can get past the epithelial cell wall without actually passing through the cell itself. One very important class of junctions are called “tight junctions”. Tight junctions support the health of not only the intestines but also the lungs, blood vessels, brain and other organs.

It was mentioned that these tight junctions can be selective. One way they work to select what passes relates to limiting molecules over a specific size. A second mechanism works with a negative charge “at the gate”, attracting molecules with a positive charge. Tight junctions also function to allow the passing of neutrophils/White Blood Cells- which are directly related to immune response functioning.

Tight junctions help limit what is coming into the body that can cause harm as well as limit those important molecules and good bacteria within the body from getting out. If the body is not in homeostasis, then these tight junctions can fail to do their job properly. For example, if the physiological pH of the body becomes imbalanced, then the tight junctions become more permeable-now good gut bacteria leave or bad bacteria enter and proliferate.

There are well studies, proficiently documented and widely used options for support to the tight junctions of the body. One such product is called RESTORE ™. We are making this option available in our office. Contact our office today to answer any questions and to secure your order.

Fore more information on Restore products go to restore4life.com

Restore 4 life now available here at your local Tempe Chiropractor, Reed Chiropractic,and save $25 off of retail:

Contact Us Today!

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107

Tempe AZ  85283
