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Vitamin B Supplementation

Supporting A Whole Food Diet With B-Complex Vitamin B Supplementation

Do you have a true “balanced” diet? It is challenging in the lifestyle of the day. Not to mention the availability of quality fruits and vegetables in some areas of the country can present further challenges. Life tends to be fast-paced, on the go, high stress, lacking exercise, eating out often with little rest and recovery time. Do any of these present themselves in your daily walk?

How about the way you feel? Can you relate to any of the following signs and/or symptoms: tired, changes in short-term memory, general weakness, irritability, skin disorders, hair loss or frail hair, sensitivity to light, depression, digestive problems, respiratory problems, nervousness, burning feet, numbness/tingling in hands or feet, dry eyes, muscular pain, appetite problems. These are just some of the issues related to vitamin deficiencies in the body.

Specifically, these are related to deficiencies of the B-complex group of vitamins. B-complex vitamins come from varying sources of whole foods. A true balance of these whole foods will provide the body with maximum energy and optimizing health. These vitamins are water-soluble, referring to the fact that they leave the body on a daily basis and must be replaced on a daily basis. So, if you do not have a true “balanced” diet, and experience some of these symptoms, then B-complex supplementation may be a good support to your current diet.

Let’s do a brief review of the different B-vitamins, what they support in the body, and some sourced of whole foods containing these vitamins.

Vitamin B Supplementation

B-1: Thiamin- Helps convert food into energy; supports muscular contraction as well as nervous system function. It is also supports the immune system making it an “anti-stress” vitamin.

Sources include: spinach, kale, nuts, sunflower seeds

B-2: Riboflavin- Used in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; supports growth and red blood cell production.

Sources include: almonds, eggs, brussel sprouts, spinach, broccoli

B-3: Niacin or niacinamide-Supports digestive functions, skin health and nerve function; supports cellular energy; boost good cholesterol.

Sources include: nuts, eggs, green vegetables

B-5: Panothenic Acid- Helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats; works with the production of hormones; supports general growth.

Sources include: egg yolks, avocados, nuts, broccoli, kale

B-6: Pyridoxine- Works in over one hundred cellular reactions; optimizes body functions; helps metabolize amino acids; supports red blood cell production; involved in mood and sleep.

Sources include: eggs, bananas, berries, peaches, carrots, spinach, sunflower seeds

B-7: Biotin- Skin, hair and nail growth and strength.

Sources include: strawberries, cauliflower, egg yolks, nuts

B-9: Folic Acid- Vital in nervous system development of the fetus; growth of red blood cells.

Sources include: dark green leafy vegetables, beets, dates, avocados

B-12: Cobalomin- Supports red blood cell production and the function of iron in bringing oxygen to the varying cells; regulates healthy nervous system function.

Sources include: predominantly animal foods

The B-vitamins work in a synergistic fashion to provide overall functions to a healthy body. This is why a balanced diet is important. In order to support your current diet of whole foods look for a supplement from whole foods. An option we carry is Chiropractor’s Blend Vitamin B-12 Ultra Sublingual-Immune Boost. Please consult our office with any questions on this product.

For More Information on your specific needs, contact us and schedule a free consultation with one of our Chiropractors.

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107

Tempe, AZ  85283
