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Knee Pain helped with Chiropractic

At Reed Chiropractic we have been caring for patients with knee pain helped with chiropractic for years and have had numerous successes.  In our office we have seen patients respond from acute conditions to people who have suffered with years of chronic pain. We see patient after surgery such as ACL/MCL/ Meniscus and have helped others avoid knee surgery altogether.

Ever wonder if Chiropractic care can help with you knee pain, ask yourself these questions.

  • Do you have knee pain when sitting, Kneeling, going from standing to sitting or sitting to standing?
  • Do you have pain when you apply pressure to the front, back, or sides of the knee?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then visiting a chiropractor may benefit your knee pain.  Many of our patient report that their chronic knee pain was helped with chiropractic care. Correcting knee dysfunction can become a big issue because over time and can affect the lower back, hip, and ankles. This is the reason some patients will start with knee pain but pain will develop in other areas and even on the other side of the patient due to compensation of the initial knee injury.

The knee is a 2nd class lever joint with the patella acting a fulcrum. When this lever is not in it proper place dysfunction will occur, which can then cause pain at the joint, along with tenderness in the muscles above and below the joint. By going to a licensed chiropractor they can examine your knee mechanics and see if it is the cause of your pain and discomfort.

Do you have a knee problem, or a problem any other joint issue call our Tempe office to schedule a free consultation to see if we can help. Our doctors are trained in sports medicine and chiropractic extremity care.

Call your Tempe Chiropractor today.

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107                       6025 E. McKellips Rd. #102

Tempe, AZ, 85283                                    Mesa, AZ, 85215

480.785.1355                                            480.721.0099