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Chiropractic after auto accidents

Benefits of Chiropractic Care after Auto Accidents.

There are many injuries that can be sustained as a result of a car accident, many of which are influenced by various factors like your rate of speed, whether you hit another vehicle or a standing object and how the vehicle was impacted. Life threatening injuries are always a cause for concern when a car accident occurs. However, most injuries sustained as the result of an accident tend to be chronic in nature. These injuries include nerve damage, shoulder complications and problems with sensory-motor activities. This is why it is so important to consult with a chiropractor after you have been in an accident, especially if you experienced any pain or discomfort.

Whiplash and Chiropractic Injuries

The most common injury caused by a car accident is whiplash. Whiplash is a very serious injury caused by the forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. It can lead to serious problems for your head, neck and spine. A chiropractor can help relieve any pain you may experience and begin working to effectively treat or progressively alleviate the condition.

Getting A Full Recovery

“Being involved in a car accident can be a very emotional experience, but sustaining a serious or long-lasting injury as a result can be even more stressful for an individual,” said Jim Sebesta of Minnesota Occupational Health. “However, with proper care, a full recovery is possible. If you experience any head, neck or back pain 2-3 days after you have been in an accident, or if you think any of these body parts could have been injured in the accident, it is important that you see a chiropractor. Chiropractic care can effectively heal injuries sustained from car accidents.”

Chiropractors can recommend a number of treatment plans to help with your specific injury. X-rays can be taken when you experience overwhelming pain. Generally chiropractic care involves a series of activities – including physical therapy exercises – that help you develop your strength and flexibility. Getting adequate rest, staying hydrated and refraining from heavy lifting for a few days after the accident will also be critical to your recovery. A chiropractor may also provide you with message therapy.

It is important that you “take it easy” for a couple of days and consult a chiropractor if you feel there is a more serious, underlying injury. Pain or discomfort could mean that a more serious problem is present and ignoring it will only complicate things further.

For more information on the benefits of chiropractic care after auto accidents, please contact us at Reed Chiropractic in Tempe.