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suffering from text neck?

Your neck, technically termed cervical spine, carries a lot of weight when it comes to your health. Seven bones, discs and joints carrying the weight of the head-weighing on average 12 pounds. This doesn’t sound like too big of a task, right? If you maintain “good” posture, balanced muscular system, and no restrictions in joint function, then the neck should be in great shape for carrying around 12 pounds day in and day out. In reality, the majority of people are not very balance in their cervical spinal anatomy and physiology. Let see how this may include you!

Do you experience neck stiffness, especially in the morning? Does your head turn or tilt one direction farther that another? Is your head in an abnormally tilted or turned position even when you feel things are “all straight”? Yes to any of these is an expression of the body that something is off kilter. But this is just a surface of what is underlying for a potentially bigger issue.

Have you had headaches, eye strain, sinus problems, TMJ issues, abnormal heart rate, anxiety, ringing in the ears or simply “pain” in the head, neck or face? All these can be signs of a cervical spine complex. A complex involving the neck can be a serious and progressive condition if not evaluated and treated properly. In early stages, this condition may not present with noticeable symptoms that motivate you to have it checked. Why wait for a problem to become time consuming and expensive! Early detection and even prevention will help preserve the quality of life you deserve.

There are many causes of a cervical spine complex that can compromise your valued health. Injuries involving auto accidents/whiplash, sports related injury, minor falls, hitting the head and even repetitive poor posture are some of the macro- and micro-traumas to the cervical spine. The most inconspicuous and more increasingly suspect of cervical spine complex is the last mentioned here-POOR POSTURE.

Poor posture can be a combination of weak and overactive muscles or muscle groups, combined with improper or lack of exercise, then adding gravity to pull it all down. So you are not a victim of “poor posture”, but a contributor. A common example of this contribution involves the growing use of technology and the increased sitting/standing at desk jobs. Because of poor posture during these activities new diagnosis are arising. Prime is one referred to as “TEXT NECK”.

One researcher, New York spine surgeon Kenneth Hansraj performed a study to understand forward head postures affect on the cervical spine complex. Dr. Hansraj summarized the following:

“The weight seen by the spine dramatically increases when flexing the head forward at varying degrees. Loss of the natural curve of the cervical spine leads to incrementally increased stresses about the cervical spine. These stresses may lead to early wear, tear, degeneration, and possibly surgeries.

While it is nearly impossible to avoid the technologies that cause these issues, individuals should make an effort to look at their phones with a neutral spine and avoid spending hours each day hunched over.”

According to Dr. Hansraj, “TEXT NECK” may lead to wear and tear on your spine and spinal degeneration. Repetitive forward head posture creates inflammation, muscle imbalance, nerve pressure and has also been linked to headaches, neurological problems and heart disease.

If you thing prevention is costly, then consider the cost of loosing proper function to your cervical spine and managing chronic headache, neurological problems and even heart disease by not properly maintaining the health of your neck. Seek a complete chiropractic evaluation of your posture, spine and nervous system today. It will “save your neck”!

Contact your Tempe Chiropractor today to see if we can help.

Reed Chiropractic

250 W. Baseline Rd. #107

Tempe, AZ  85283


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