Reed Chiropractic will Remain Open
We have been getting many patients calling to see if we are remaining open during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our response has been from the beginning that of course we are, we are not going to shut our doors when the public and our patients need us the most. Our office have been providing our community with natural health care for over 20 years and it has been our mission to educate and care for our patients with the goal of supporting their health through not only chiropractic care but also other wellness strategies. In fact, that is precisely what our 6 weeks to Wellness Challenge is all about. We have been promoting this challenge for almost 20 years and it is now needed more that ever.
Of course we have added some additional precautions and procedures to our normal office flow to comply with the new CDC Coronavirus guidelines. We has spaced out our appoints to limit the number of patients in the office at one time, we have added additional cleaning to our already extensive cleaning protocols. We now offer “drive up” chiropractic. If you would like to wait in your car until it is your turn we are happy to accommodate you and your family. We have also eliminated any and all check-in procedure which require you to have to touch any surfaces in our front office area. Our doctors will continue to wash their hands between each and everyone of our patients.
It is our hope that we can continue to partner with our patients and community to provide a safe and welcoming place to continue their chiropractic care and support their bodies and nervous systems during these stressful times. However, at this point we do want to focus our care on asymptomatic patients with the goal of prevention, we ask that if you or a family member is experiencing any symptoms that have been outlined by the CDC, or have recently traveled to a region that the CDC has labeled high risk that you call our office or PCP before coming into Reed Chiropractic.
If we all continue to practice common sense hygiene habits, support our bodies and nervous systems, we will get thru this crisis as soon as nature allows. If you have any questions or concerns about our office procedures or need any over the phone guidance or advice our doctors will be available to speak to you directly.