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Coronavirus Covid-19

What we are doing to keep you Safe

Our team at Reed Chiropractic is working hard to ensure that you and your family continue with receiving the quality chiropractic care you need and have come to trust. As we reflect on the past 6 weeks where many personal sacrifices have being made across the nation to address the current health crisis, we want to provide some assurances to our patients and community and explain what we are doing to keep you safe in our office.

We’re open for business:

The State of Arizona thankfully granted us the status of being an essential business so we were able to remain open during the statewide stay at home order. During the past 6 weeks we have adapted and morphed our office procedures and identify any areas that needed to be changed in order to follow the CDC and OSHA guidelines put out by our state board and government.  As a healthcare office we have a unique role in providing a essential service while protecting the health and well-being of our community, and our entire team is focused on doing our best to follow the recommendations set up by the CDC. 

Our Team:

We are taking precautions with our staff by requiring each member of the staff to have their temperature taken at the start of each shift.  Any temperature reading of over 99.5 will be documented and the staff member will be sent home.  We have also implemented a stay home if you are sick policy to prevent any staff member from coming to work if they are currently experiencing symptoms of a cough, runny nose, body aches or any other symptoms identified on the CDC list of potential symptoms regarding Covid-19. 

Our Doctors:

Our Chiropractorsknow that they cannot physically distance and perform chiropractic care but they are committed to doing their best in personal hygiene and limited time with face to face interactions.  Our office floor plan sets us perfect for our doctors to will wash their hands between each and every patient interaction.  Our doctors will use gloves and wear face masks upon request.

Our Patients:

We are asking our patients to call or stay home if they are sick with a fever or are experiencing any symptoms listed on the CDC website

Our Facility:

Our facility is being frequently cleaned and sanitized throughout the day and deep cleaned again on weekends. 

Our Procedures:

Currently we are practicing social distancing in the office and allowing no more than 10 people including staff in the office at one time.  We have implemented new procedures for our patients to be checked in and out without being required to touch any surface.  We can processes credit card payments without us even touching your card and after the first visit you will not even have to remove it from your wallet.  We have hand sanitizer throughout the office for your convenience and have a restroom in the middle of the office to wash your hands at any time. We have always cleaned and sanitized our tables throughout the day but we are not performing this between each patient.  We are limiting our traction tables to one person per room unless it is with another person you shared a car to drive to the office.  We have also replaced all of our table pillows with vinyl ones that can be wiped and sanitized between patients.  We ask for all patients to wear a cloth face covering and our doctors are wearing a face mask while caring for patients. And as always it is our goal to get you in and out as efficiently as possible so that you will not have to sit in a crowded waiting room next to anyone.   And lastly if you would like to stay in your car if there is a wait then we will be happy to accommodate you with a text that we are ready. 

Our commitment:

We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming office for you to get the chiropractic care you need by adapting our office practices and procedures as new information and guidelines are released.  We look forward to serving you during these unprecedented times. 

Thank you for your continued trust and support.


Reed Chiropractic