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Can Stress change your DNA

Can stress change your DNA? When most people think of their DNA as of something that they are born with and something that they can not change. In my office everyday I hear patients say ” my mother or father had this issue so it looks like I am stuck with it”. And more recently I have been hearing from patients that they feel like their chances of having a mild or severe case of the Corona Virus is out of their control. They will say things like “I am just so worried that I will be one of those people who has a bad reaction to the Covid-19 virus”. In this blog I would like to answer the question “can stress change your DNA” and how this relates to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

What is DNA? DNA serves as the instructions for your cell and is divided into functional units called genes. In the past it was once believed that your DNA was set, it could not be changed or altered. But in the past 20 years the study of epigenetics has proven that your DNA can be at least temporarily altered if not permanently. The DNA sequence can’t change but the expression of genes can be changed. Things that have been shown to alter your gene expression are ones Thoughts, Actions, and Behaviors. It is here why we can answer yes to the question, can stress change your DNA?

When we look at the current Covid-19 Pandemic we see a lot of people who are almost paralyzed by their fear of having a bad outcome if they contract the virus. Studies show that this type of chronic stress and fear can cause epigenetic changes in the DNA of mice. In a study done by the NIH they showed that that elevated stress hormones resulted in alterations of gene expression and DNA changes. More research need to be done to seen the exact result of theses changes in mice and ultimately in humans.

What I would like to discuss is how we can use the knowledge of epigenetics to guide us in how we think about our bodies. We know now after 6 months of learning about the covid-19 virus that it can effect different people differently but as a general rule it typically effects that elderly the most severe followed by individuals with multiple co-morbidities. The CDC has listed them here. We also wrote a blog last month going into more detail about who is the most vulnerable and how to be a least vulnerable person. This understanding that we all have some level of control over our health is key to addressing the fear of Covid-19. If it is true that our thoughts, actions, and behaviors can alter how our genes are expressed then we do have some level of control over our bodies ability to fight any illness. It has been shown that negative thoughts and emotions can cause stress on the immune system and in a Forbs article states that it can lead to brain damage. So if you feel like you have no control over your bodies ability to fighting a virus, then this chronic stressor could actually start to decrease your immune system. And as a result, you could have a harder time fighting it due to a suppressed immune system.

All I am saying is, that if we only focus on what we can control, we will have a better chance of fighting any virus. We can all do this, but only if we start taking responsibility for our own health. We have designed a plan here at Reed Chiropractic called “6 Weeks to Wellness” for optimal heath. It easy to follow and does not cost a lot of money. The hardest part is just starting. No excuses, you now know the answer to the question, Can Stress Change your DNA? It is up to you to express your genes in a positive and healthy way. This will ensure you to having healthier DNA in the future and should serve you well in the event you come in contact with any virus in the future.

If you have any questions about our 6 Weeks to Wellness Challenge or starting Chiropractic Care we are here to help. Schedule an appointment today!

Reed Chiropractic, 250 W. Baseline Rd. #107, Tempe AZ 85283