Healing By The Power Of The Mind
The placebo effect itself has been researched and noted to have its own improvement in depression, headaches, and even degenerative meniscal tears.
10 foods not to eat
To 10 Foods not to eat info-graphic from Dr. Mercola at Mercola.com. Contact us at Reed Chiropractic for more information.
The Truth About Sugar
One thing everyone needs to start doing is reading the food labels and knowing what things mean on there. When looking at the food label it is hard to know how much sugar is natural to the food, and how
Headache Solutions
The most common way American’s attack a headache is to take an over the counter pain medication. The problem with medications is that they are numbing the pain but not correcting the cause. When the medication wears off, the
Back Pain Causes and Cures
Back Pain Causes and Cures. 75% to 85% of all Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lifetimes. Common causes of back pain include: Poor PostureExcessive SittingInactivityInternal DiseaseObesityPsychological/ Emotional stressOsteoporosis Back pain is now one of the primary reasons many Americans
15 Healthiest Foods
Raw Garlic-Raw garlic is a potent antimicrobial, working as a natural antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic agent. It must be eaten fresh and raw to give you optimal health benefits though.
Why is Testosterone Important?
There are different ways to treat low testosterone levels. Prescription drugs can help increase your testosterone levels, but many men are taking testosterone without evidence of deficiency.
drink coffee before exercise?
Most Americans are already getting their caffeine in some from throughout the week. But there are actually times to drink coffee that will allow you get added health benefits from it.
Tips to Improve Sleep
3 tips to Improve Sleep Every NightRegulating a natural rhythm of exposure to sunlight during the day and darkness at night is one of the most crucial components of sleeping well. Light exposure during the day is important because it
ADHD Medications in Schools
Disturbing Facts about use of ADHD Medications in Schools ADHD drugs are far from being recognized for their potential health hazards; they have gained a reputation as “cognition enhancers” among all students and young professionals. Narcotic painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants