"It's Easier To Stay Well Than To Get Well"
Wed: 9-1, 3-7 and Thurs: 9-1

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Services We Offer

Insight Subluxation Station picture
Surface EMG Testing

We use the Insight Millennium Subluxation Station to help evaluate the your nervous system. We use surface EMG to test the tone of the muscular system and heart Rate Variability to test the tone of the nervous system.

Digital X-Rays Dr. Reed
Digital X-Ray

We have a state of the art Digital X-Ray system that is capable of taking standing full spine, pelvis, and extremity x-rays. We evaluate for spinal decay, bone spurs, and extremity injuries such as sports and auto accident traumas and offer same day appointments.

SoftWave Picture
SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Therapy

Reed Chiropractic now offers SoftWave shockwave therapy to assist with those chronic and stubborn old injuries. The SoftWave deep penetrating electrohydraulic acoustic shockwaves have been proven to unlock resident stem cells and a number of other biological processes required for tissue healing.

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Nutritional Advice

While our doctors are not certified Nutritionists that have extensive training in how nutrition is critical to an optimal functioning body. Dr. Reed and Dr. Hood will be glad to steer you in the right direction and assist you in your nutritional questions.

Exercise services picture
Exercise and Fitness Advice

Our Doctors both received their undergraduate degrees in Exercise Physiology and have extensive experience in assisting their patients with specific exercise and rehabilitation exercises to assist in their care.