10 Ways to Manage Sciatic Pain
Dr. Chad C. Hood, DC discusses 10 Ways To Manage Sciatic Pain. What is sciatica pain? Sciatic pain affects the sciatic nerve, a large nerve extending from vertebra in the lower back down the back of each leg.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome-Why are my hands falling asleep?
Have you experienced pain down one or both arms? How about numbness or tingling in your arms or hands? Maybe you have even had your arms or hands feel cold for no apparent reason? When you experienced one or more of these symptoms,
Chiropractic after auto accidents
The most common injury caused by a car accident is whiplash
Thoracic outlet syndrome relief
It just makes sense, if I have a patient that is not responding to my care I will send them out to a physical therapist or pain management doctor for treatment that I do not perform.
What is that tingling in my arm?
Ever asked what is that tingling in my arm? Ever noticed a it starting in your arm, hand, leg or foot that you either woke up with or flared up on its own? Wondering what caused it, will it