"It's Easier To Stay Well Than To Get Well"
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The Lifestyle Resolution

You write the list of goals: 1. Eat better 2. Exercise more 3. Decrease daily stress, and the list may go on. Then, two, three or however many months later you find yourself back to the old nature. Habits of the past have crept back into your routine and the “new way of life” has faded away. This is a common pattern year after year-setting the New Year’s Resolutions. You haven’t failed yet, unless you have quit trying to improve all together. Knowing what to do is not as much of the challenge as is committing to the changes in what needs to be done.

Consider a change in perspective. Instead of a “year-to-year” problem that needs corrected, your goals are a “work in progress”. Let us transform you through the Lifestyle Resolution. These are goals with small steps action plans that allows flexibility and provided rewards. And they require five manageable points for each goal you desire in changing your lifestyle.

The point follow the acronym SMART.

“S”pecific-details of the goal you have. Being too general is a common mistake that creates uncertainty about what you are accomplishing. The more detailed the better.

“M”easurable-have ways to gauge improvements and setbacks. Something you see that keeps you accountable. This may involve a friend or family member.

“A”chievable-if a goal is big, such as losing 50 lbs, then start with losing 10 lbs. Take the small steps necessary to get to the big goals. This can help thwart frustrations and quiting.

“R”ealistic-when determining a specific goal allow it to be real in what can be done, not just in your mind. Example- ‘I will get a 90 minute massage weekly to reduce tension in my shoulders’, but that goal is not in your financial budget and will create more stress.

“T”imely-allow the time frame to fit the goal. Example-lose 10 lbs in one week-too short OR lose 10 lbs in three months-too long.

The following are some beginning ideas for the start of The Lifestyle Resolution: 120 minutes of movement daily; daily, weekly or monthly gratitude focus; eliminate toxins from the diet and home; 8 hours of restful sleep in a proper sleep environment; necessary break from electronics. Be transformed by your Lifestyle Resolutions by getting pro-active instead of being retro-active. Call our office today to schedule your spinal wellness exam. Don’t wait!

For more information on The Lifestyle Resolution contact Reed Chiropractic 250 W. Baseline Rd. #107 Tempe AZ 85283 (480) 785-1355