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Why are my kids legs bowed?

Chiropractic works with the body’s natural ability to adapt and function the way it is designed to function. When chiropractic care is provided to a pregnant mother it provides many benefits to the mother and her baby. A well adjusted mother will have a better balance in bony pelvic structure, muscles and ligaments. Reduced tension on the pelvic ligaments that support the uterus will reduce the possibility of intrauterine constraint.

The mother will also have reduced interference to the vital nerve system that controls and coordinates all the cells existing and being created. And finally, the balanced pelvis and nervous system makes for an easier birth and less potential for intervention.

The infant also receives benefits of developing within a uterus with no constraint. For example, the baby can move more easily to maintain the best possible position for growth and for the birth process. The proper position is essential in development of the cranium, spine and other skeletal structures. With proper fetal position there is significant decrease in abnormal labor and feto-pelvic distortion as well as potential birth trauma from intervention.

Chiropractors can become proficient and certified in specific techniques to reduce In-Utero Constraint. This is referred to as Webster’s Technique. Chiropractic care is provided daily to patients of all ages as an effective and affordable Health Care. It is also a unique way of allowing full expression of LIFE.

When In-Utero Constraint is not minimized or balanced, especially if interventions are utilized, then problems can arise for the developing infant. Some of these problems relate to future growth and development into childhood and adult years. Problems such as Hip Dysplasia, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, Transient Synovitis, Bow Legs and others, can become debilitating.

Timely Chiropractic adjustments can provide the best environment for a developing infant, don’t wait for an evaluation. During your pregnancy, and don’t receive chiropractic care, call our office today and schedule an appointment. As always we are her to help, so if you know someone who is pregnant and has not had a chiropractic evaluation, please give them our information. Our doctors at Reed Chiropractic are experienced and proficient in the Webster’s Technique.

If you have ever asked Why are My Kids Legs Bowed? now you have more information as to possible causes. And hopefully, now that you understand that if you can avoid in-utero constraint through out your pregnancy you won’t have to every ask “Why are my kids legs bowed?”.