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Get Motivated to Exercise

The benefits of exercise are numerous and you may have experienced the life altering changes first hand.  But, there are those times that getting motivated to move just seems overwhelming.  In fact, they may need help to get motivated to exercise. Daily life can already feel like a weight too heavy to carry.  So why add more stress to the load you are already “pressing”?  Let us take a look at WHY by sharing some benefits you may not know about.  And if you are still not ready to jump up and start moving more, then we will provide some motivating tips, videos and apps to revive your active lifestyle.

Researchers in the fields of exercise therapy, mind-body science and physical fitness have studied the effects/benefits of exercise on the human mind, body and spirit.  The research also correlates the ill-effects of inactivity and the risk factors in many disease processes in doing so.  Let’s get started with how your amazing body will benefit from getting moving more frequently.

The MIND, specifically the brain and spinal cord, controls and coordinates the function of every cell and organ in your body. Exercise increases blood and oxygen to your brain.  More oxygen can translate to greater efficiency in learning ability.  Exercise will also increase the production of hormones and neurotransmitters to lower stress and improve hippocampal function to help memory.

The BODY will improve in how you look, and more importantly, how you feel.  Exercise impacts an improved self-esteem.  This character trait can help you overcome other obstacles you face and even new challenges.  Other positive benefits studied include: normalizing insulin resistance, improved digestion, clearing of toxins, decreased risk of many age related symptoms and the list extends beyond these examples.

The SPIRIT is uplifted with regular exercise.  Studies in this area include a decrease in psychiatric disorders through the “feel good” chemical produced by the body to lift the mood.

Are you ready to get up and get moving?  If you are tired of starting over, then don’t give up!

Here are some quick tips to help with motivating you to move more frequently:

  • Keep your goals simple, frequent and achievable
  • Have a way to track progress and keep accountable (technology is great for this)
  • Keep the guilt out and re-motivate after a missed day (or two)
  • Focus on your goals, not what others are doing
  • Do activities that are fun, or find fun in what you do.
  • Change it up with new activities.
  • Make it convenient to exercise
  • Focus on today and what you can do to move more.

The rewards of exercise are numerous, get started and you will experience it.  Let us know what you are doing to make it work when you come in to our Tempe Chiropractic office for your next appointment.  You inspire us!

Check out this preview and watch the movie


Free Apps:

  1. Fitness Motivation-Fit Quote
  2. Happy Scale
  3. Habit Bull- Daily Tracker
  4. Fabulous-Motivate Me
  5. Fooducate Nutrition Tracker

If you need additional help to get motivated to exercise, call us today to schedule your free consultation with one of our doctors.