suffering from text neck?
Text neck is the leading cause of neck pain and headaches.
Why do I need to Get Adjusted Every 2 Weeks?
When immobilization (or as we call it Subluxation) occurs in a joint and remains there for more than 10-15 days that joint begins to degenerate. We are often asked why do we recommend that our patients get adjusted every two weeks
Movement is Key to Optimal Health
Statistically, 80% of US adults do not get the recommended amount of aerobic and strength activities needed to maintain a healthy quality of life. It is widely understood the benefits of exercise cannot be denied. The eye-opener is…whether you are
Why I became a Chiropractor
Growing up, I didn’t have much experience with chiropractic and definitely did not have the same health philosophies that I have now. In fact, when I was a kid I never even knew that there were different philosophies. I grew
how to treat it band syndrome
The iliotibial band (IT band) is a fibrous band that runs from a point on the side of your hip to the outer part of your knee. The IT band helps to control motion in the leg and actually stores