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Movement is Key to Optimal Health

Statistically, 80% of US adults do not get the recommended amount of aerobic and strength activities needed to maintain a healthy quality of life. It is widely understood the benefits of exercise cannot be denied. The eye-opener is…whether you are exercising or not is a predictor of longevity and quality of life. Research has shown regular exercise is a greater predictor of mortality than chronological age. Studies show risk of disease and early death were cut significantly when 30 minutes of sitting was replaced by 30 minutes of walking daily. The risks decreased even greater when activities were more vigorous.

In daily life, stress presents itself to cause many problems for our general health. Stress without a counter-balance creates neck and back pains, sleep problems, headaches, drug overuse and inability to concentrate to name just a few.

Exercise helps as a tool in counterbalancing these stresses and creates a positive change in what can be an ongoing cycle. Exercise maintains benefits to our body and mind. Exercise improves oxygenation to the brain cells, excites neurons to produce chemicals that calm the body and helps to balance glucose and insulin. It is important to involve different types of exercise and movement. Four components of a weekly exercise routine should include: aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility and balance/coordination exercises.

Yoga is an excellent way to incorporate balance, flexibility and strength as well as improve mental health. Yoga benefits the body and mind in many ways. Regular yoga increases strength, tone and flexibility. Yoga also will improve respiration, energy and vitality. You may experience improved mental focus and greater awareness of the body. If you are over-weight it can help in weight reduction by working to balance metabolism. There are benefits to the cardiovascular and circulatory systems as well. And finally, yoga will improve athletic performance in other activities and help to prevent stress related injuries.

Statistically, 80% of US adults do not get the recommended amount of aerobic and strength activities needed to maintain a healthy quality of life.

Another excellent way to exercise and improve power, strength and stabilization is through Core Stabilization Training. This exercise is best performed through movements that are functional in ways the body moves doing everyday activities. When we consider the “core”, it is not just the abdominal that need worked, but a balance to the front and back of the spine as well as key muscles of the hips and upper legs.

Core training will provide the environment for a stronger spine, support a healthy nervous system, improve posture, improve work performance, help to react quicker to needed movements and reduce stress related injuries. Regular exercise is vital to the quality of life and in reducing potential of disease, illness and injury. It does not need to be complicated or time consuming, but it should be consistent, fun and part of a healthy lifestyle.

Take a look at Dr. Eric Goodman’s Foundation Training exercise on our website. Even better, schedule an appointment in our office and we will direct you to the necessary exercises to help you reach the health goals you have. It is our mission to help you in a Natural Approach to Health, and movement is key.

If you would like find out more information on specifics you can download our free app.  Just look for MyChiroTownMobile at the app store.  Once you download the app use our code RCD0001 and look for the videos on exercise and movement.  You can also schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Chiropractors for an evaluation and treatment plan that fits your specific needs.