Get Healthy, Stay Strong, Live Life
Reed Chiropractic is moving on from the message of Stay Safe, Stay Home, Save Lives to the more positive and productive message of Get Healthy, Stay Strong, Live Life. We feel that if people focus on improving their own health more lives ultimately will be saved. Our proposed shift in messaging from the fear based message that if we leave our houses and go back to living our lives like people have for thousands of years before, we are all at great risk to either spread or contract the Covid-19 virus. We are being told that we are either a carrier or a host, so we all need to shelter in place to do our part to save the vulnerable. Over the last 2 months there seems to be little debate that certain population groups are more vulnerable than others. Our counter message is simple, lets focus our energy directly on the most vulnerable. If we can come together and all focus on the elephant in the room, America is sick. America needs to get healthy, stay strong (mentally, physically, and spiritually) and then we can get back to living the lives of our dreams without fear.
Over the past 5-10 years the public’s knowledge and understanding of health has been shifting from a predominantly mechanistic disease-based view to a more natural wellness-based view. This shift was a welcome light to all of us in the natural health community as people were finally coming around to a more holistic and natural way of understanding what it means to be healthy. Unfortunately, in the last 60 days, we are witnessing the abrupt shift back to the old way of thinking that we are at the mercy of viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that we can’t see. This old way of thinking is based on a flawed model that your body has no defense from germs, viruses and microbes. This FEAR model of is very easy to fall into if you don’t have a strong understanding of how the body truly works. It is especially easy to believe that we are not “safe” unless there is a medical vaccine or treatment for a certain condition. This “outside-in” approach to sickness and disease leaves people feeling helpless and fearful that they have no protection against outside viruses, bacteria, and microbes.
This shift was happening all over the world, people were starting to understand that true health does not come from a magic pill or just based on your genetics. In recent memory, you may recall the debate on the appropriate use of antibiotics. The science has shown us that taking antibiotics unnecessarily can have other long term consequences to your gut bacteria and leave you more vulnerable to future infections and other health problems. It also started to become common knowledge that using antibacterial soaps at every wash can cause your skin bacteria to disappear and may cause an increased chance of infections due to the body’s natural defenses not being there to protect you. Not to mention that both of these common practices have led to the spike in certain allergies and skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. These are just a couple of examples that there are unintended consequences to every action that alters or interferes with the body’s innate physiology.
Reed Chiropractic is committed to shinning a light on the current fear-based message that in the end may cause more harm than good. Based on what we knew about this virus early on may have warranted the Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives directives. Our goal now should be to start moveing forward and figure out a solution to save even more lives through knowledge and health. The mantra that we all need to stay home, wear masks, and socially distance for the rest of our lives or until there is a vaccine to “protect” us from this virus may not be practical and instills fear. We hear every day that we all need to “Do Our Part” or “We Are All In This Together” because my actions will affect your actions. The problem with the message is not the words, it is the philosophy behind the words. The philosophy behind the words states that we all need to say apart and hide from the virus and if we don’t, we can catch it and die. But then what? If it comes back or when a different virus comes our way, are we back into this same situation again?
We need a positive message that promotes health so that we understand that we do have some control over our risk of dying from Covid-19. A more positive and proactive message would be Get Healthy, Stay Strong, Live Life. What if we all rallied around this, how many more lives would we save? When it comes to the specific Covid-19 virus we now know based on 4 months of data who are most vulnerable populations. It is clear based on all current statistics found on the CDC website that people with underlying chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, lung diseases, and kidney diseases are at most risk. Unfortunately, the current data suggest that your risk of dying from Covid-19 is greatly increased by at just having at least one comorbidity. The current CDC statistics show that 6 out of every 10 American’s or 60% of the US population fall into this category of having at least one chronic disease. And even more concerning 4 out of 10 American’s fall into the category of having at least 2 or more chronic diseases. The CDC lists the following risk factors for developing chronic disease: poor nutrition, lack of exercise, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol use. This list points out that most chronic disease is a result of primarily lifestyle choices. It is our hope that if we all can make better lifestyle choices then we can get healthy again, have stronger more robust natural immune systems, and get back to living the lives of our dreams “Together as One”. This change would not only work in the short term but would carry over to the next generation. Our kids would understand that taking care of their health is not an option, if they want to live as free people who can live the life that god intended us to, they need to support their immune system by making healthy lifestyle choices. This is not just a theory, this is how we as humans have survived for thousands of years.
Starting in May here at Reed Chiropractic we are going to give out buttons and stickers with the positive message that we should all strive to live our lives in a way that will support our body’s immune system. Our message is Get Healthy, Stay Strong, Live Life. We will promote honoring of the body as a living, breathing organism that needs to be treated with kindness and respect. We will encourage our patients to change their thoughts, actions, and behaviors to ones that promote health and wellness. We will strive to educate our patients to make decisions for their health based on common sense and biology. We will remind our patients that we were all born with an innate immunity that helps protect us at all times, but it is our responsibility to honor our body by supporting it with healthy positive actions.
If you want to join us in this movement you can start today with our Reed Chiropractic Wellness Challenge. The thought of change is harder than making a change so don’t wait. Your health and quality of life depends on it!
If you want more information on how to start improving your health, call or schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors.
Reed Chiropractic
Note: Reed Chiropractic is currently following the current CDC Guidelines, as well as the state and local orders outlined to help stop the spread of respiratory viruses specifically the Covid-19. We are continually adapting and implementing new ways to deliver our care in the safest way possible. We are committed to providing our patients with a clean and efficient place to get chiropractic care.