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National Hydration Day Picture

Hydrate for Optimal Health

Today is National Hydration Day! Do you drink enough water?

Everyone knows that it is essential that we hydrate for optimal health, but how much, what to drink, or when? These are the questions that I am going to try to answer in this blog. It has been well researched and documented that up to 60% of your body is made up of water. That means for your body to function at its best, you must hydrate for optimal health. As with almost all health topics there are many different opinions and therors but in this blog I am going to list what I believe makes the most sense based on my own research.

How Much Should I Drink?
  • Half your body weight in oz. of water. For example; if you weigh 150 lbs then you should drink 75oz. daily.
  • It is important that we not only get this many oz. of water in a day, it is important that you spread it out over your waking hours.
What Should I Drink?
  • There are lots of water choices to choose from but spring water seems to be the best option for most people who are on the go.
  • As far as daily water consumption if you are in your house or re-filling your hydroflask, RO (reverse osmosis) water is a great option.
  • What ever source you choose it is important that you add some minerals back into your water, especially if you are drinking RO water.
  • Tom Brady and his TB12 team sell a electrolyte/mineral replacement that tastes good and has no sugar or artificial sweeteners included.
  • Ideally you will want to avoid any sugary sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. These drinks can have as much a 200+ calories and 30 grams of sugar in just 16 oz.
When Should I Drink?
  • Ideally you should be drinking your water evenly throughout the day and only sipping water while you are actively eating. Too much water during eating will dilute your digestive juices and can interfere with proper digestion.
  • It is not recommended that you wait until the end of the day and try to cram in a bunch of oz. to make up for your lack of water during the day. This will lead to having to get up in the middle of the night and interfere with getting a full nights sleep.

Whether you are an athlete or just a desk jockey you need to properly hydrate for optimal health. With every living cell and tissue in your body made up of 60% water, it is essential that you are constantly hydrating your body. In our office we find that our patients that tend to drink more water and less soda or sports drinks heal faster and typically do not struggle with weight issues as much. Not only will drinking water as opposed to other store bought drinks will save you money, but it can save your health as well.

You can find out more information on hydration and other healthy habits by clicking on our 6 Weeks To Wellness Challenge.

Dr. Reed