Chiropractic and Auto Accidents?
Chiropractic and Auto Accidents In the unfortunate event you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you may have a lot of questions and decisions that need to be addressed. From a health standpoint you may wonder if you are
The VA offers offsite Chiropractic
In the past veteran’s were forced to go to the VA and wait for an appointment with a VA clinic chiropractor which would routinely take 3-6 months.
Attorneys Refer to Tempe Chiropractor
Car accident victims experience a number of painful and debilitating health conditions after the accident.
March Madness at Tempe Chiropractor
Also this year we are giving away a Brand New VitaMix Blender.
Intermittent Fasting Works!
I’ve lost over 30 pounds in the past three months (which has also improved my self esteem). I now have my blood sugar (diabetes) under control. My energy level is higher since I increased my exercise by
Intermittent Fasting Benefits
Decreased weight gain and metabolic risk.
Vibrant Cleanse for a Master Cleanse
Guidelines of the original “Master Cleanse” and lemonade diet described Vibrant Health Ingredients Organic grade B maple syrupFreeze dried organic lemon juiceOrganic cayenne pepper How to cleanse Refrain from eating any solid foodsDrink 6 to 8 glasses of vibrant cleanse a
Foot Pain and Natural Treatments
Foot Pain and Natural Treatments are one of this weeks topics we are going to address on our Blog. Plantar Fascitis Inflammation of the ligament located along the sole of your footCaused by disproportionate stress on the heel bone and soft
treat back pain without medications
Emotional health has also been proven to have a major hand in contributing to chronic back pain; expanding evidence reveals that back pain along with other forms of pain have the ability to be exacerbated by psychological or emotional concerns.
lose weight with intermittent fasting
Most people still believe that breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. In recent years this theory has been debunked.