Why is Testosterone Important?
There are different ways to treat low testosterone levels. Prescription drugs can help increase your testosterone levels, but many men are taking testosterone without evidence of deficiency.
Chiropractic treatment of whiplash injuries
Whiplash is a term applied to injuries of the neck when it has suddenly and/or violently been forced backwards “hyperextension” and then forwards “hyperflexion”. Whiplash is most commonly seen in people that have been involved in a motor vehicle collision,
Migraines and Natural Solutions
Migraines and Natural Solutions are a common question that we are asked in our office daily. Almost everyone suffers from migraines or headaches at some point in their lifetime, but for some people it becomes the pain becomes so
Allergies, Sinus, and Ear aches
This is the second vertebra in the spinal column, and sits directly below C1 “Atlas”. In anatomy, the second cervical vertebra (C2) of the spine is named the axis (from Latin axis, “axle”). The C2 forms the pivot upon
drink coffee before exercise?
Most Americans are already getting their caffeine in some from throughout the week. But there are actually times to drink coffee that will allow you get added health benefits from it.
Junk Food rivals Tobacco Marketing
Marketing to kids seems to everywhere, from TV commercials, to billboards, to even the vending machines’ at schools. Worst being that they are not only exposed to these different advertisements but they are exposed multiple times a day.
Tips to Improve Sleep
3 tips to Improve Sleep Every NightRegulating a natural rhythm of exposure to sunlight during the day and darkness at night is one of the most crucial components of sleeping well. Light exposure during the day is important because it
ADHD Medications in Schools
Disturbing Facts about use of ADHD Medications in Schools ADHD drugs are far from being recognized for their potential health hazards; they have gained a reputation as “cognition enhancers” among all students and young professionals. Narcotic painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants
Depression And Natural Options
Depression is becoming more and more prevalent and right now affects 340 million people worldwide. Half of the cases of depression go undiagnosed and worse yet, is that depression is the most treatable form of mental illness. Depression affects 25%
Lose Weight by Chewing Your Food
One small change any person can make to improve their waist line is to simply chew their food longer. There have been proven benefits of chewing your food at least 40 times before swallowing. One of the benefits is easier