Spring into Better Health
Chiropractic care is a great way to spring into better health. Here at Reed Chiropractic, we understand that true health comes from within. We were all born with an inborn potential to be health, this power is called
Happy Valenspine’s Day
On February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day as a way to show that special someone that we love them. At Reed Chiropractic we want to remind you to show your Spine some love too. Remember, life is so much
Path to Wellness
Congratulations! You have chosen to take the first step to improving your health by becoming an active participant in your health. I created the Path to Wellness Plan because I see so many patients in our office who want to
Chiropractic helps Mental Health
With a increased focus on mental health issues seen during the 2020 lockdown and now during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics people are searching for solutions. One strategy that is not getting much attention is how Chiropractic helps mental health.
5 Tips for Neck Pain
Is this months blog I will give you my 5 tips for neck pain relief. Over the past 20 years I have treated thousands of patients with acute and chronic Neck pain. In the case of acute neck
Hydrate for Optimal Health
Today is National Hydration Day! Do you drink enough water? Everyone knows that it is essential that we hydrate for optimal health, but how much, what to drink, or when? These are the questions that I am
New Year New Attitude
New Year New Attitude is how I want to head into the New Year. For most of us 2020 was filled with stress and worry about a a new virus called COVID-19 or "The Coronavirus". Back in
Working From Home is a Pain In The Neck
Over the past six to nine months many of our patients are reporting that working from home is a pain in the neck, literally. Between the increased hours sitting in one place without getting up and moving and the
Small Steps To Big Goals
In an attempt to reach and maintain a health goal, set your sights on short-term steps to long term accomplishment.
Unlock Your Hip Flexors
Do you have lower back pain? Do you need to unlock your hip flexors? The answer the this question for many american who are now working from home is Yes. Over the past 20 years I have