January Health Tip
My January Health Tip is to keep moving. As your Chiropractor, our job is to restore motion to the spinal joints. Normal motion of spinal joints minimizes joint stress, inflammation and nerve irritation. This makes spinal adjustment vital to
Movement is Key to Optimal Health
Statistically, 80% of US adults do not get the recommended amount of aerobic and strength activities needed to maintain a healthy quality of life. It is widely understood the benefits of exercise cannot be denied. The eye-opener is…whether you are
get moving and decrease your pain
Too many times we are plagued by our environment. What does our current environment look like? Go ahead, take a look around, what do you see? You probably notice people yawning, eating, sitting in a cubicle or at a desk
37 Strategies to Improve your Mood
Smile at others!! There are likely to smile back!! Spreading positivity