Auto accidents while in Uber
Have you been involved in auto accidents while in uber? In the past week, I have seen 2 different patients who have been involved in these types of car accidents. Fortunately, in both cases they were not at fault
Pokemon Go destroying your health?
Pokemon Go helping your health or destroying your health?
Chiropractic Care for Vertigo
I get asked this question a lot, “Chiropractic care for vertigo?” My answer is the same for any condition that you can name. Chiropractic care is not the treatment of any condition or disease, it is profession that has the
Confessions of a Chiropractic Assistant
There are many who misinterpret where chiropractic care fits in today’s health care arena. Matter of fact, there are countless who don’t understand the purpose or benefits that chiropractic care provides. I’ll be honest before becoming a Chiropractic assistant
What vegetables should I eat?
Eating your veggies can help reduce your risk of may chronic diseases, including chronic inflammatory diseases, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and also prevent early aging.
Weight loss with Intermittent Fasting works! A day doesn’t go by in our office where one of our patients asks us how to lose weight. And for the most part they all have a common story, they say I don’t eat much
chiropractic can help back pain
Chiropractic can help with back pain without any drugs or surgery. Those who suffer from lower back pain know what a debilitating condition it can be. The discomfort is often enough to hinder performance of everyday activities would otherwise
What is that tingling in my arm?
Ever asked what is that tingling in my arm? Ever noticed a it starting in your arm, hand, leg or foot that you either woke up with or flared up on its own? Wondering what caused it, will it
Are You Breathing Properly?
To breathe properly first start by breathing through your nose, when breathing with your nose you actually breathe in nitric oxide.
Healing By The Power Of The Mind
The placebo effect itself has been researched and noted to have its own improvement in depression, headaches, and even degenerative meniscal tears.