Why do I need to Get Adjusted Every 2 Weeks?
When immobilization (or as we call it Subluxation) occurs in a joint and remains there for more than 10-15 days that joint begins to degenerate. We are often asked why do we recommend that our patients get adjusted every two weeks
Why I became a Chiropractor
Growing up, I didn’t have much experience with chiropractic and definitely did not have the same health philosophies that I have now. In fact, when I was a kid I never even knew that there were different philosophies. I grew
Once you go to a Chiropractor you always have to go?
It is similar to exercising. You start exercising regularly and after three months you feel great! You lose some weight, sleep better, you have more energy at the end of the day.
lose weight with intermittent fasting
Most people still believe that breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. In recent years this theory has been debunked.
Chiropractic therapy is not necessarily addicting, but like exercising, the health benefits that one receives from a chiropractic visit are enough to make you want to include it as part of your normal routine.