Chiropractic Helps Strengthen Immunity
Chiropractic helps strengthen immunity through balancing the nervous system. The immune system is central to our health and wellness. For example, it protects us from illness and guards our organs from invaders. Mental Floss notes that, “The immune system
10 Ways to Manage Sciatic Pain
Dr. Chad C. Hood, DC discusses 10 Ways To Manage Sciatic Pain. What is sciatica pain? Sciatic pain affects the sciatic nerve, a large nerve extending from vertebra in the lower back down the back of each leg.
Natural Relief to Headaches and Migraines
Research has shown us that headaches and migraines are suffered by as many as 9 out of 10 people, sometimes regularly. Are you someone looking for Natural Relief to Headaches and Migraines? Seeking treatment to these painful situations is frequently
$48 New Patient Special
Reed Chiropractic is celebrating its 19th Anniversary Patient Appreciation month with a $48 New Patient Special. During the whole month of October all new patients that pay at the time of service will receive their first new patient visit
suffering from text neck?
Text neck is the leading cause of neck pain and headaches.
Movement is Key to Optimal Health
Statistically, 80% of US adults do not get the recommended amount of aerobic and strength activities needed to maintain a healthy quality of life. It is widely understood the benefits of exercise cannot be denied. The eye-opener is…whether you are
how to treat it band syndrome
The iliotibial band (IT band) is a fibrous band that runs from a point on the side of your hip to the outer part of your knee. The IT band helps to control motion in the leg and actually stores
Chiropractic Story by Dr. Chad Hood
The chiropractic story by Dr. Chad Hood.
Digital X-Rays
Here at Reed Chiropractic we have just upgraded to digital x-rays. Our new digital x-ray machine uses a sensor instead of film and the exposure to you is far less radiation than our old conventional x-ray system. The images are
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome-Why are my hands falling asleep?
Have you experienced pain down one or both arms? How about numbness or tingling in your arms or hands? Maybe you have even had your arms or hands feel cold for no apparent reason? When you experienced one or more of these symptoms,