Eat leafy greens with lots of butter
Here’s a health tip; Eat Leafy Greens with Lots of Butter! It’s a legitimate health tip that also happens to be a delicious option for one’s diet and helps prevent kidney stones. The premise behind this tip stems from something
The Master Cleanse Guide
A Step By Step Master Cleanse Guide PART 1: Step 1: Take an herbal laxative tea the last thing at night. You may also take it again first thing in the morning. The common tea found is “Smooth Move” Step 2: Cleansing Aid: Internal Salt Water Bathing Full
Intermittent Fasting Works!
I’ve lost over 30 pounds in the past three months (which has also improved my self esteem). I now have my blood sugar (diabetes) under control. My energy level is higher since I increased my exercise by
Vibrant Cleanse for a Master Cleanse
Guidelines of the original “Master Cleanse” and lemonade diet described Vibrant Health Ingredients Organic grade B maple syrupFreeze dried organic lemon juiceOrganic cayenne pepper How to cleanse Refrain from eating any solid foodsDrink 6 to 8 glasses of vibrant cleanse a
lose weight with intermittent fasting
Most people still believe that breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. In recent years this theory has been debunked.
Weight loss with Intermittent Fasting works! A day doesn’t go by in our office where one of our patients asks us how to lose weight. And for the most part they all have a common story, they say I don’t eat much
Decrease Stored Fat
Certain groups of people have more brown fat cells then white fat cells which allow them to stay thinner. Slender people, younger people, and people with normal blood sugar levels have all been shown to have more brown fat cells.
Why is Testosterone Important?
There are different ways to treat low testosterone levels. Prescription drugs can help increase your testosterone levels, but many men are taking testosterone without evidence of deficiency.
Lose Weight by Chewing Your Food
One small change any person can make to improve their waist line is to simply chew their food longer. There have been proven benefits of chewing your food at least 40 times before swallowing. One of the benefits is easier
A Natural Approach to Weight Loss
Among the many diets and magic bullets claiming to help people lose weight, few consider the long term health of individuals. Generally this is because a “diet” is usually the focus of weight loss and not simply the good whole foods provided